A Corporate trip to an Agro Tourism site

  == Draft ==

Agro tourism has different definitions as it encompasses a broad range of activities, as per convenience and availability of resources, of the Farmer. It could mean from simple Farm stays, or in the most participating in the daily activities of a Farmer`s life. In all simplicity it would mean where an urban tourist would pay a visit to a farm or ranch, to live a day or two as life of a Farmer, including but not limited to, stay like a Farmer, feeding animals, picking fruits or vegetables, sowing harvest, engage in farming activities, ride bullock carts or tractors, relish rural dishes prepared from home grown produce, buying direct fresh farm produce from the farmer. Overall, it’s a win win situation where a farmer can clock a livelihood all the year round and an urban resident can cut loose city chaos and stress, and enjoy some rural culture, enriching their experiences.

The phenomenon is picking up in India at good pace, where instead of a small group of interested urban tourists, it is also attracting students from schools and colleges, a mass scale tourism where it is seen as educational enrichment.

The corporates are also actively now showing interest in visiting the agro sites. Usually corporates have an agenda on their sleeve to enhance or promote Team bonding within organizations. A dedicated fund is kept separate for this biannual or annual activity, depending on the available budget [or client generosity ;)]. The corporate outings had been wrapped mostly around dinner night outs with possible drinks and DJ included, visit to nearby resorts for a day experience, offering activities like zip - line, pool and others. These have been on the charts for so long that it has begun to loose its charm. A human soul is always in search of something new, specially if its for free and fully paid out :).

The Agro site visits are growing in popularity as they have something new and enriching to offer. The corporate outings are majorly to embark on team bonding that should include team activities. A simple visit to these Agro sites will fail to offer that. Hence the agro tourism sites built near major cities having a good chunk of corporates, have begun to include resort like experiences into the agro tourism to offer more package in less bucks and make themselves more attractive options. This may include, but not limited to range of activities like, rope climbing, zip line, open areas for planning self-activities or playing games, pool experiences and mud baths. Overnight stay rooms, cottages or huts also provided for tourists. This is now, a combination of Agro tourism and resort, making it an Agro tourism resort. Nailing two birds with one arrow. Something for everyone.

I shall be narrating one such experience of corporate team outing visit to one one of the Agro tourism resorts, with some additional nuances of personal experiences.


1.       Part Two: The story.


About myself:

I was serving notice period, and my workload was shooting through the roof. So, to compare, my weekdays were like hot sunny days of 49° C and weekends were like a visit to hill stations. A much-needed break for refuelling. How I did I refuel? by doing absolutely nothing. 😊. Or maybe some cans of beer, chicken biryani and binge watching. So, by the time Monday came, I had a complete disconnect of what happened on last Friday. That I call moment of relapse.


Monday to Thursday:

This Monday, however, was different. Instead of dull souls, I saw an energetic crowd, more than the usual in ODC (Offshore Development Centre). Looks like a new batch of freshers has arrived. Maybe some 20 or 25 in number. Management hiring increases only in two cases, either a new project is on the radar or way too many resignations have poured in or are expected. New faces, fresh graduates chirping and jumping all over the place. Just being curious, I asked a colleague, what is the new “bheed” (too many people) about, she answered “Freshers – graduate hires”. I chuckled and said, “oh to naya maal aaya hai!”, in a way to say, new kids on the block. She just looked at me amused and burst into a laughter. I realised my mistake, tongue in cheek moment. Tried explaining her that I referenced the whole lot, and not exclusively mean one gender, but I think it was too late. “Maal a typical slang used for females”, gave a whole new meaning to my sentence. Choice of words is indeed important. It was of no use, for any explanation, sounds more like a cover up. So, I just laughed along. 

Next day Tuesday, it was announced that there is going to be an "outing" planned for the coming weekend. A term often can be understood as money sent by the client, to be spent on the teams to go out together, to establish or promote Team bonding. Though joining such activities is voluntary. Most of the younger crowd of the lot, is always eager for such events. I usually opt out. As these are kept on weekends and I cannot afford to lose on “my precious” refilling / refuelling weekends. They to me are like, what glucose is for patients. I have plans, to do a lot of “Nothing” and cannot afford to miss on doing that. I love my weekends more. No hijacking allowed. 

By the time Thursday came, a lot of options for possible venues, had been discussed and struck out, either for budget issues, HR policy (strict no for water side or beach areas) issues or done this that time issues. Usually such limitations often end up in having team dinners, simple and efficient for management to organize. But this has been repeated for past three years and hence no one wanted it. After a lot of research, finally, Pavna huts were chosen. An agro tourism resort. Reason dinners were done too many times, beaches were excluded by HRs, Resorts were too expensive. A good place for hosting some 100-plus people. It was finalised. 

A list with total number of people in ODC, was circulated to mark yes and no, as an option for willing to participate on weekend or not. This often comes handy for logistic and planning purposes. I opted No, I had plans for my weekend. Binge watching and eating Biryani / Chicken Tandoori. I love these digital invasions in our lives. Can order sitting home and the best part being an avid biryani lover, can quickly scroll through different kinds of biryani on the offer and try a new one every time. Well if that was not enough, the competition between different service providers add to the glory. Huge discounts, to the tune of ordering desserts at the cost of rupee 1. 😉. Now, who would wanna miss on that.



Lost in the thoughts, I get a ping from my manager. Are you free for a minute? Let’s go the meeting room, need to discuss something. Well this is usual for me. I stay more than half the days in meeting rooms. I get to come out of meeting rooms, its for like taking in some fresh air. I enter the room and wait for him to join. Its like customary, he would send the request but wont join in before you. You need to reach first, and then when he sees you are there, he would follow. I can see him getting up and coming. Was wondering if there are some new urgent requirements from the client. Is the meeting for next month planning, s it’s the last weekend of the month? He enters, and shoots the first question, what are you doing this weekend. Well, this was awkward. I don’t want to tell him I would be sleeping like a dog, with legs up, and tongue out salivating. This is exactly what I want to do. Probably get up some time in between, order a burger or two. If I want to feel healthy, may be a sub. Get some drinks, watch some series, and doze off again. All of this but cannot say. So, I just ask him why?


As best it is, not wasting any time he says. You are coming n the weekend. I want you to be there. Baffled I try to negotiate. I have jobs to be done and errands to run. He says he understands, but he still wants to me be there. He would like to spend some time with me outside office. An emotional touch. He would really appreciate it if I do come. He is coming too, says he finally and left the room. No more room for discussion. This was bad. I so hate this.!




Journey Starts:

Saturday morning, and I reach office around 530 am. By 6am the buses were arranged to leave from office. Some x kms and y hours of journey time to be covered.

The freshers are running all around. Way so happy. All decked up for outing. I glance over a few seniors. All dead in half sleep, trying to cover up. But some old souls, showed some unrealistic energy.


Some tea and biscuits were complimentary. The buses are ready. All are asked to head towards the bus and board. I hear a guy trying to shout and guide people. He is literally shouting on top of the lungs. You go here, you go there. Three gals coming together, trying to board the bus. He suddenly appears from nowhere and starts shouting, you two in this bus and you go in that one. No body knows who this guy is. Nobody shouts anymore in Corporates as if it is school picnic. I ask a few others, and nobody knows. Finally, when my manager was passing by, I asked him who is he? Well he is the newly hired manager. He is from xyzzy company. Ohhh ok. I get it. Still seriously. Manager and no courtesy! phewwww…


The bus rolls on and I doze off to sleep. The freshers break into the frenzy of selfies, group photos and the Antakshiri. It’s better to sleep.


Destination reach, welcome drinks and breakfast, Owners Speech, personal touch:

The bus touches the base.


Well the place is “” . it was shortlisted from a dozen other places. It was new and different.

The owner helps us with breakfast, a short intro and dos and don’ts. The place is his house in midst of a farm for organic farming. He lives here peacefully and makes an extra income by lending it for corporates on weekends only. Nice guy. He clearly mentioned, he does not let everybody in and is not open for drinkers and litterers. He is choosy for who to let in. Nice place and huge. Well he has a large storage base for water for his crops and farming. This he doubles it as swimming pool for his family and people for activities on weekends. So, it has a shallow side and deep side. Non-swimmers are strictly instructed to not go near the deep side as they don’t have manpower and guards to watch around. It is like you are your own watchman. Breakfast over, people changed and jumped into water. Out of 130 only 3 chose to stay out. One guy who is known for being tech genius plus – so activities are probably waste of time for him, second a manager not willing to enter and third me. Am Lazy -  just leave me alone types. You ruined my weekend types. Don’t want to get into water. So, no way! I was just loitering around the area, looking at people having fun. Loads of it. The water sports catch on quick. Everyone was into it. Ball bashing, imaginary volleyball, kayak – u sit and I palat.




The drowning incident:

Sitting around the corner, I saw my Program manager and Project manager making some hand gestures towards me. I didn’t get it first, so I tried to concentrate. Something was not right; my program manager hands were on my project managers shoulder and he was going in and out as the Program manager was trying to hold himself above him and trying to signal me frantically. I realised they are drowning and locked out. A usual case when the non-swimmer in an attempt to breathe holds onto tightly to anything in vicinity. It was dangerous. I without thinking for a split second jumped into the water, swam across them, went behind them. Held them tight from behind through collars (wanted to hold hair, but first they were managers and second one of them didn’t had any!). pushed them towards the shore. Once they were ok and out, I came out to realise, I was all decked up.  I had phone, watch on me. Damn !!! I checked the phone and watch. Fossil anytime no issues but phone was done. It was silent. No signs of life.

The stupid manager suggested to take the battery off, and in the attempt was trying to open it up. I explained that it is one-piece phone, batteries cannot be removed. He left. It was a new phone for me. A year old. 35 k moto x 2. I know the pain. A new phone of middle range from a middle class person, the loss is heavy. My project manager after regaining his senses, came to me thanked me and asked about the phone. I told him its not working. I was too lost in the phone thing. I then realised where is my Program manager. He didn’t even come by to say Thank you. I checked. He had made distance from me, wore a life jacket, and entered the pool from the other side, as if nothing such incident ever happened. Seriously! Dude. He didn’t even come and say thank you forget bout asking about my phone. And he was too quick to do that.

Well I realised my decision to resign is good and I should rather stick to it.

That day and since the day I left, he never came forward to say a word of Thank you. Also, he never came forward to say anything about any contribution towards the phone. Pity the quality of Managers we work under.

The phone was put in Rice and left. Nevertheless, to say, I cursed my coming for this weekend trip and henceforth could not enjoy things ahead.


Chit Chat with the owner:

I went to one of the dormitories, took bath and changed clothes. Went to the owner and asked for some rice and plastic bag. Saw a you tube video for reviving phones drowned in water, by soaking them into rice. Not sure of how true it was, I had no other option, other than trying. He was helpful and immediately provided a small polybag with rice. He showed more concern and courtesy than my managers. We got some time together and chit chatted. I asked him about the whole idea and his being a farmer. To my surprise he was not a farmer. He was employed in south Africa for many years. When he grew old, he just used all his savings to buy this plot of land and convert it into farming. He did not want to be part of chaotic city culture anymore, a willing retirement amidst the ranges and farms.  He also mentioned about the health condition of his father which was deteriorating in the city and he was in medicines. After shifting here and staying here, he has not taken any medicines past three years and I swalking, sowing, harvesting and doing all chores by himself. They grow fully organic stuff and uses no chemicals for pesticides. Agro tourism was introduced recently only to add a little more cash flow and diversification. He also mentioned of owning another business along with other family members, “taxi service”, this is especially for moving old people to show the world, from home to home service. I found that as being a very nice idea and gesture. He was indeed living his old age as perfectly planned.

Other Activities:

While we were having the discussion, a guy came in and said that the mud is ready. The owner excused himself and we walked towards the pool area, where he announced that the mud is ready for sinking in. slowly everyone began to get out of the pool and rushing towards the mud bath. This was new and hilarious. Though I did not participate but the excitement in all was awesome. Soon everyone was covered in mud from head to toe. And the ones who were not, were pulled in to be loather in it. This was fun. The following pics would speak for themselves.


After an hour or two, the lunch was announced, and we indeed were hungry. Everyone began to clean up and change for the lunch. The dormitories had good arrangement for bath and changing. The lunch was prepared from home grown produce and inspired from local culture. It was indeed tasty, and the best part eat as much as you can.

After the lunch, most of us were tired and sat under the shelter for relaxation. This was a place where we could rest in open air. The fresher’s introduction round started, which is mixed with slight leg pulling activities. Some games were organized too. This all went on for an hour and a half, and some games.

Tea and evening snacks were announced. The tea was herbal and had an awesome taste. Refreshing and different. Two kinds of tea were available.

The DJ dance was on, and everyone enjoyed till the last, finally also the tug of war.

Finally pack up in the bus, around 530 pm and after 1 hour of journey or so, everyone reached back to the starting point.

A day well spent.

In the night, I just had few shots of Rum, with my dead phone on the side, looking at phone – “kya tujhme kahin saans baaki hai ?”
